Friday, April 1, 2016

So, I haven't been practicing as much as I hoped I would be. I always find myself making excuses for not playing like too much homework, need food, need to nap, I have plenty of time. All of which are not true. I'm trying to re-motivate myself to learning the rest of the song ASAP.

Friday, March 25, 2016

I've started learning the chords for House of the Rising Sun. The rhythms are pretty simple and I think the entire song will be easy to learn.

Friday, March 11, 2016

I finally got my guitar tuned using the app I got! It took awhile and it was way more frustrating than I thought it was going to be. I learned that the app glitches sometimes (just like any other app), and that causes the tuner to act weird sometimes. I was ready to bring my guitar to school and start working on it in the band room, but now we're not allowed to leave class and go down there because of new rules. I'll have to learn more at home than I originally thought.

Friday, March 4, 2016

I haven't had the chance to get my guitar to school yet, so I've been researching songs during my class time. I made a list of songs I'm thinking about learning. They all contain some pretty basic chords and rhythms.

Songs for Guitar

I also made a list of tips I found on websites (a few I heard from friends that play too). By the end of the year, I want to create my own list of tips for someone learning how to play.

Tips for Learning (from websites and other people)

Friday, February 26, 2016

I downloaded an app called Yousician. It teaches you how to play basic chords by showing you videos and giving you step-by-step instructions. The app also shows you how to play scales. There's a feature that you can use to tune your guitar too. It uses your phone's microphone to listen to you strum and the helps you correct it until your guitar is in tune. I think the app is really going to help me learn the basics of playing the guitar on my own.

Friday, February 19, 2016

 This is my first post on my 20% Time Blog. Here I'll blogging about my project, which is learning how to play guitar. I attached the link to my Project Proposal so you can see more details about what I'll be doing.

Project Proposal

Making and designing the blog was so much fun. I used the advanced settings to change the fonts and their colors, add my own background, and to match up all my colors. I'm sure that I'll end up changing it around since I have so much time in class to work on it. I'm really happy with how it looks now.